idGenius Collaborate

Collaborate with Third-Party Vendors to create Trusted Identities for Non-Employees. The authoritative source for people who work for you that don't work for you.
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idGenius Collaborate enables organizations to gain individual level visibility and control for all Non-Employee / Third-Party Identities.

Risk Management is the ability to quantify, measure, accept, avoid, transfer, or mitigate risk. Effective Third-Party Risk Management requires both organizational and individual level visibility to appropriately and holistically manage risk.

idGenius serves as the single, trusted, and authoritative source for all non-employee identities.

Product Highlights:

Evidence-based Third-Party Identity Risk Management

  • Before engaging non-employees, idGenius Collaborate performs the essential function of verifying and qualifying their identity and background based on known and gathered information

Automate and Optimize Businesses Processes

  • idGenius Collaborate enables enterprises and governments to leverage external vendors in support of managing the business processes and lifecycle events associated with Non-Employees / Third-Party Identities
  1. Engage
  2. Change
  3. Disengage
  4. Reengage

Empower Business Users

  • idGenius Collaborate offers a user-friendly interface that empowers business users to manage identities effortlessly, providing seamless business processes for Non-Employees and Third-Parties.
  • Shorter time to value without the need for coding, scriptng and long complex consulting engagements

Comprehensive Data Ingestion

  • idGenius Collaborate is purpose built to ingest vast amounts of structured or un-structured data from multiple disparate sources.  
  • idGenius Collaborate leverages existing investments in traditional IAM and is the basis for invoking downstream access provisioning, enforcement, and access governance
  • idGenius Collaborate also integrates with leading third-party risk management solutions in order to source vendor, organizational and project data that are correlated to each identity's overall risk score  

Single Authoritative Identity Source to Manage Security, Risk and Compliance for Non-Employees

  • idGenius establishes a single authoritative source for any and all third-party / non-employee individuals. Lifecycle – engage, change, disengage, and reengage
  • idGenius Collaborate securely manages engagement, authentication and entitlements throughout the third-party / non-employee lifecycle

The current state of non-employee and third-party identity management is filled with blind-spots, as well as alack of consistency and audibility. The idGenius collaboration solution provides purpose-built, TRUSTED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT that is tailored to the unique challenges associated with operating in an extended environment.

The AI-driven platform enables organizations and their vendors, partners, and agencies to effectively navigate and reduce non-employee and third-party risks.

                                   Learn more about Non-Employee Management here:  Non-Employee Identity Management

                              Sign up for a DEMO to learn more about how Anomalix and idGenius can help your organization.

The current state of non-employee and third-party identity management is filled with blind-spots. The idGenius collaboration solution provides purpose-built, TRUSTED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT that is tailored to the unique challenges associated with operating in an extended environment.

The holistic platform enables organizations and their vendors, partners, and agencies to effectively navigate and reduce non-employee third-party risks.

Learn more about Non-Employee Identity Management.


  • Secure and intuitive self-registration process for any non-employee identity type
  • Collaboration platform with security controls for non-employees / third-parties
  • Holistic third-party data ingestion and transfer to external systems
  • Single authoritative data source for non-employee identities
  • Standardized processes to manage the third-party and non-employee lifecycle events: engage, change, disengage, and even re-engage
  • Configurable workflows to model, automate, and optimize business processes
  • Configurable notifications, approvals and escalation
  • Easy to build, AI-based and wizard-driven user form creation

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